Treatment History
There are 2 ways to attack Eurasian Milfoil; with chemicals and hand pulling.
When treatment for Clearwater Lake was first started in 2011, the amount of milfoil present was too large to consider hand pulling it all. In 2011 and 2012 several individual home owners treated their own areas. However, it became clear that a whole lake approach was necessary. In 2013 Clearwater Lake Association Board (Now Clearwater Lake Conservancy) took over treatment of Eurasian Milfoil. The Board evaluated the the options, talked with the DNR and discussed treatment approaches and success rates with other lakes in the area fighting Eurasian Milfoil. The Board recommended a containment approach through chemical treatment using a professional to the Lake Association. A DNR permit is required every year that defines the area to be treated and what approved chemical will be applied. The treatment is restricted to 37 acres for Clearwater Lake. The DNR restriction is based upon the a lake's littoral zone. The littoral zone is the near shore area where sunlight penetrates all the way to the sediment and allows aquatic plants (macrophytes) to grow.
Clearwater Lake's littoral zone is in yellow. Original chemical treatment was a DNR approved 2-4-D based product. In 2019, a test area was designated using a highly recommended DNR approved product called ProcellaCOR. The test results were very impressive and in 2020 we treated all 37 acres with ProcellaCOR. The following year, 2021 the results were stunning. We treated only .67 acres with chemicals and hired a professional dive team to hand pull the remaining acres. 2022 we hand pulled all identified areas.
The Board remains vigilant in monitoring the lake, working with a consultant and keeping the Lake Associations Members aware of the status and treatment plans each year. Maps of InfectionFundingThe lake association asked for member donations and has pursued state, county and DNR grants to support our treatment plan. There has also been a large donor, our Friends of the Lake that has been very generous.
Eurasian Milfoil Management SummaryTreatments Signatures
Our Eurasian Milfoil survey showed very little Milfoil in our lake this year. Thirty-nine (39) sites were identified in the survey. Twenty-six (26) sites / 4.8 areas was recommended eligible for chemical treatment. The rest were all recommended as hand pulling. Due to the limited infestation, the board decided to use Hand Pulling as a treatment for all 39 sites. No Chemical treatments were done in 2022.
You can see the maps on the Invasive Maps page and the full report on the Lake Reports page. Curly Leaf Pondweed
Curly Leaf Pondweed did come back this Spring. Due to it's limited area and that it arrives early and fades early, the Board decided not to treat this invasive this year. We will continue to monitor the patch and review treatment next year.
Zebra Mussels and Spiny Water Flees
Once again we came back as "Absent" for Zebra Mussels and Spiny Water Fleas. See the full report on the Lake Reports page. Clearwater lakes report card is on page 6.
Monitoring The Boat Landing.
The following were approved by the Lake Board and have been implemented:
Our Lake Management plan costs were VERY low this year and almost completely paid by grants.
Use our on-line donation option 2020