2023 Notification
Eurasian milfoil (EWM) has returned with a vengeance in 2023.
We did 8 hrs of hand pulling this summer. Unfortunately this was not successful. Dive Guys were only able to clear < 5 plots (146 plots on initial survey) due to the large amount of vegetation. Also EWM started growing back quickly in a few of the hand pulled areas. We hand pulled one large area ( plot 12 on map below) last year 2022. EWM has regrown in this area - multiple (8-10) large areas as big or bigger than area pulled in 2022.It appears hand pulling was not successful in 2023.
We did herbicide treatment w/Procellacor in late August based on the original survey map from June 2023. We were unable to treat a few areas that were in bullrush and lily pad. So far it looks like treatment is working.
The EWM has continued to grow rapidly. After summer herbicide treatment we noted that there were many new and larger areas of EWM so we had to resurvey - see map attachment below.
The plan is to do a second treatment this fall based on a new survey map. We can also treat EWM areas in bullrush/lily pads since that native vegetation will have died off by the fall and the treatment should have minimal effect on the native vegetation. This is a common practice.
If you do not want Procellacor herbicide treatment within 150 feet of your property, contact Charlie Lick with your request to not treat. [email protected]. 612-508-3514
Clearwater Lake Conservancy Board
Eurasian milfoil (EWM) has returned with a vengeance in 2023.
We did 8 hrs of hand pulling this summer. Unfortunately this was not successful. Dive Guys were only able to clear < 5 plots (146 plots on initial survey) due to the large amount of vegetation. Also EWM started growing back quickly in a few of the hand pulled areas. We hand pulled one large area ( plot 12 on map below) last year 2022. EWM has regrown in this area - multiple (8-10) large areas as big or bigger than area pulled in 2022.It appears hand pulling was not successful in 2023.
We did herbicide treatment w/Procellacor in late August based on the original survey map from June 2023. We were unable to treat a few areas that were in bullrush and lily pad. So far it looks like treatment is working.
The EWM has continued to grow rapidly. After summer herbicide treatment we noted that there were many new and larger areas of EWM so we had to resurvey - see map attachment below.
The plan is to do a second treatment this fall based on a new survey map. We can also treat EWM areas in bullrush/lily pads since that native vegetation will have died off by the fall and the treatment should have minimal effect on the native vegetation. This is a common practice.
If you do not want Procellacor herbicide treatment within 150 feet of your property, contact Charlie Lick with your request to not treat. [email protected]. 612-508-3514
Clearwater Lake Conservancy Board
Treatment Plans - to see 2023 summary
Greetings Clearwater Lake
We used Dive Guys to hand pull Eurasian Water Milfoil in 2022. They covered almost all the lake in 2022 in one day.
Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) has expanded greatly in Clearwater Lake in 2023. Many other lakes have seen a similar large/early growth of EWM.
Dive Guys hand pulled EWM on July 12, 2023. They were able to pull 5-6 Bobcat loads in 8 hrs of work and were only able to remove EWM in 3-4 plots due to the large amount of EWM.
Clearwater Lake Conservancy board has approved EWM herbicide treatment with Procellacor. See attached map of EWM survey by James Johnson earlier this summer. Total treatment area 11.33 acres. Plots 2,3,4,9 are in bullrush/lily pads and will be treated in the fall after the native plants have died off. The August treatment will be done by PLM Lake and Land Management and has been quoted at $7,644.00
MN DNR requires landowner approval to treat with herbicide within 150 feet of your shore.
As per previous years IF YOU DO NOT WANT TREATMENT WITH HERBICIDE PLEASE CONTACT CHARLIE LICK 612-508-3514 or [email protected].
We hope to do the initial treatment within the next 2 weeks pending a permit and applicator availability.
Greetings Clearwater Lake
We used Dive Guys to hand pull Eurasian Water Milfoil in 2022. They covered almost all the lake in 2022 in one day.
Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) has expanded greatly in Clearwater Lake in 2023. Many other lakes have seen a similar large/early growth of EWM.
Dive Guys hand pulled EWM on July 12, 2023. They were able to pull 5-6 Bobcat loads in 8 hrs of work and were only able to remove EWM in 3-4 plots due to the large amount of EWM.
Clearwater Lake Conservancy board has approved EWM herbicide treatment with Procellacor. See attached map of EWM survey by James Johnson earlier this summer. Total treatment area 11.33 acres. Plots 2,3,4,9 are in bullrush/lily pads and will be treated in the fall after the native plants have died off. The August treatment will be done by PLM Lake and Land Management and has been quoted at $7,644.00
MN DNR requires landowner approval to treat with herbicide within 150 feet of your shore.
As per previous years IF YOU DO NOT WANT TREATMENT WITH HERBICIDE PLEASE CONTACT CHARLIE LICK 612-508-3514 or [email protected].
We hope to do the initial treatment within the next 2 weeks pending a permit and applicator availability.
If you want to deny chemical treatment please contact: