April 17, 2023 Board Meeting Via Zoom
Meeting was called to order via conference call by Co-Chair Ron Green at 4:00 p.m. Board members present were Ron Green, Paul Bergren, Gary Perkins, Charlie Lick, Lance Bauman, Kathy Peterson, and Barb Schmitz. Absent was Kevin Smith. Erin Anderson, Clearwater Forest Camp Executive Director, was
also present.
Respectfully submitted, Barb Schmitz, Secretary Treasurer
also present.
- Clearwater Forest Camp: Erin Anderson introduced herself as the new Executive Director and gavean update on the Camp. They are working on their ACA accreditation. On Saturday, July 15, 2023, the Camp will host “Adventure-a-Thon, a pig roast, and live music (“LuWow!”) All are welcome to attend. Details to come.Lance Bauman, Facilities Director of the Camp, stated that the next work weekend at the Camp will be tentatively on the May 20th weekend. The Camp is looking for volunteers to help with spring clean up activities, trail clearing, etc. There are 150 campers registered for Camp this year. The Capital Campaign is still on pause. The rebuild of Osprey House is being reevaluated.
- Ron Green and the Board discussed scheduling Board meetings. All agreed that they will be held in April, May, August, and November.
- Barb Schmitz, Treasurer, reported that there is approximately $53,000 in the treasury. The Board discussed formalizing a policy to create a reserve.
- Gary Perkins moved that we sponsor part of the Camp’s event on July 15. Board agreed. Amount to be determined.
- Ron Green led a discussion to add to the By-Laws a determination where treasury funds would go in case of a dissolution of Clearwater Lake Conservancy. Most lake associations have this in their By-Laws. This topic will be discussed at the Annual Meeting on May 27, 2023.
- Ron Green led a discussion to review the Lake Health calendar portion of the Lake Management Plan. We are now monitoring and reporting water levels to the DNR; we now have a DNR permit to move bogs obstructing water flow from the lake; and the Conservation Officer secured us appropriate approvals to have a beaver trapper through season (mid-May). Also, the Board will develop a Scope of Work document for the monitoring and managing (clearing) of any debris or beaver dams affecting water outflow to the culvert. The Scope document will be used to solicit bids from outside contractors to handle this work on behalf of the Lake Homeowners.
- Charlie Lick talked to Tim Plude of the DNR about curly leaf pondweed. If it comes back this year, we can do a survey and possibly take action on it. Charlie asked James Johnson, who performs our EWM surveys, to do the EWM survey earlier in the summer. The Board agreed to have a discussion and vote regarding hand pulling of invasive weeds, if necessary, in front of all homeowners’ properties at the Annual Meeting on May 27.
- The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Barb Schmitz, Secretary Treasurer
JUNE Board Email Recap
Board noticed explosion of invasive Eurasian Watermilfoil (EWM). Discussed issue with lake consultant James Johnson and he confirmed many lakes are experiencing rapid growth this season. Hired James to conduct lake EWM survey earlier than previous years. Charlie sent recap of survey along with
recommendation for both herbicide treatment for large patches and hand-pulling for smaller patches.
Board unanimously approved moving forward and Charlie obtained appropriate DNR permit and approvals for treatment. Hand-pulling with Dive Guys was scheduled for July 12th and communicated to Lake Homeowners. Herbicide treatment would be in August (date TBD).
Kevin Smith organized an informal rusty crayfish trapping campaign to learn parameters for a more comprehensive survey he wants to conduct at a later date.
recommendation for both herbicide treatment for large patches and hand-pulling for smaller patches.
Board unanimously approved moving forward and Charlie obtained appropriate DNR permit and approvals for treatment. Hand-pulling with Dive Guys was scheduled for July 12th and communicated to Lake Homeowners. Herbicide treatment would be in August (date TBD).
Kevin Smith organized an informal rusty crayfish trapping campaign to learn parameters for a more comprehensive survey he wants to conduct at a later date.
July Board Email Recap
Board issued email to Lake Homeowners announcing EWM treatment date of August 24.
August Board Meeting Via Zoom
Discussed email Jeff Zernov sent to lake homeowners and input received from Board consultant James Johnson. Also reviewed water clarity from Secchi disk readings showing a healthy lake. Board agreed to continue following our Lake Health Plan Calendar with 2024 testing for water quality and aquatic plant survey.
Discussed EWM treatment plan to date. Observations during the July hand-pulling process deemed not sufficient to really get after the volume of EWM in the designated smaller patches. Dive Guys contractor seems better equipped to handle individual homeowner shoreline work vs broad area pulling (lack of
equipment and other resources to adequately and efficiently address the issue). Board felt this approach was not the best return on investment.
Charlie confirmed Aug 24th for PLM to implement herbicide treatment.
Board meeting was adjourned.
Discussed EWM treatment plan to date. Observations during the July hand-pulling process deemed not sufficient to really get after the volume of EWM in the designated smaller patches. Dive Guys contractor seems better equipped to handle individual homeowner shoreline work vs broad area pulling (lack of
equipment and other resources to adequately and efficiently address the issue). Board felt this approach was not the best return on investment.
Charlie confirmed Aug 24th for PLM to implement herbicide treatment.
Board meeting was adjourned.
September Board Email Recap
New Board Member Approved
Katie Johnson reached out and expressed interest in re-joining the Clearwater Lake Conservancy Board. Bylaws allow for Board members to be added at any time during the year if an opening exists. Board allows for 9 members and current Board sits with 8 members. All current Board members voted
in the Affirmative to add Katie to the Board.
in the Affirmative to add Katie to the Board.
Invasive Eurasian Watermilfoil (EWM) Update and Recommendation
Charlie sent email to Board with an update on our EWM treatment and recommendations.
In late Aug/early Sept, Board members toured the invasive watermilfoil treatment areas. The large areas treated with herbicide showed some early die off but there still was a significant amount of EWM growth. Charlie consulted with DNR’s Tim Plude, Limnologist and Board consultant James Johnson, and
David Hillstrom from PLM. Charlie recommended the Board approve a resurvey and fall treatment using Procellacor herbicide for all areas. Board unanimously approved the resurvey and expense ($600) and fall treatment and expense ($12,027).
Board issued email to Lake Homeowners announcing EWM treatment for October. Herbicide treatment with Procellacor was completed Oct 10 by licensed applicator PLM Lake and Land Management Co, Midwest Region.
In late Aug/early Sept, Board members toured the invasive watermilfoil treatment areas. The large areas treated with herbicide showed some early die off but there still was a significant amount of EWM growth. Charlie consulted with DNR’s Tim Plude, Limnologist and Board consultant James Johnson, and
David Hillstrom from PLM. Charlie recommended the Board approve a resurvey and fall treatment using Procellacor herbicide for all areas. Board unanimously approved the resurvey and expense ($600) and fall treatment and expense ($12,027).
Board issued email to Lake Homeowners announcing EWM treatment for October. Herbicide treatment with Procellacor was completed Oct 10 by licensed applicator PLM Lake and Land Management Co, Midwest Region.
Secchi Disk Readings
Ron forwarded report from lake volunteer Julie Guth’s Secchi disk readings for the 2023 season with depths between 13.5 and 21.5’. These readings look to be higher than historical trend line.
November 17 Board Meeting via Zoom
Meeting was called to order via conference call by Co-Chairs Paul Bergren and Ron Green. Board members present were Paul Bergren, Ron Green, Gary Perkins, Charlie Lick, Kathy Peterson, Kevin Smith, Barb Schmitz, Katie Johnson. Absent was Lance Bauman.
Ron led discussion on Year-End Lake Homeowner’s Update call. Board agreed the call will be Tuesday, Dec. 5 from 7-8 p.m. Topics to be covered during the call include updates from Clearwater Forest, Treasurer’s Report with 2023 expenses and balance, lake management activities and plans for 2024,
fisheries plans for 2024.
Katie recapped her conversation with a Loon Specialist with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR). The DNR reached out to Lake Associations about their interest in participating in the Minnesota Loon Restoration Project Loon Friendly Lake Registry Program. Their goal is to decrease
mortality and increase productivity of common loons across Minnesota. The Loon Specialist said the loon activities currently practiced on Clearwater Lake are satisfactory.
Crow Wing Country coordinates Aquatic Invasive Species monitoring program at boat launches. The County allocated 297 hours over the season for Clearwater and the Board authorized an additional 144 hours for a total of 441 hours of monitoring. Season-end report for Clearwater shows 277 hours of
monitoring or 52% of requested monitoring. County average was 77% so need to connect with County to understand reasons.
Charlie reported the MN DNR has $400,000 in grant dollars available for Lake Associations to use for controlling EWM. Charlie will coordinate grant application for Clearwater Lake. Board discussed lake management priorities for 2024 including an aquatic vegetation survey and water quality testing. Charlie will seek input from lake consultant James Johnson as previous survey aquatic vegetation survey company not staffed this season to conduct survey.
Board discussed enhancing Lake Homeowner support of the Camp. Two initiatives were discussed.
Board meeting was adjourned.
Ron led discussion on Year-End Lake Homeowner’s Update call. Board agreed the call will be Tuesday, Dec. 5 from 7-8 p.m. Topics to be covered during the call include updates from Clearwater Forest, Treasurer’s Report with 2023 expenses and balance, lake management activities and plans for 2024,
fisheries plans for 2024.
Katie recapped her conversation with a Loon Specialist with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR). The DNR reached out to Lake Associations about their interest in participating in the Minnesota Loon Restoration Project Loon Friendly Lake Registry Program. Their goal is to decrease
mortality and increase productivity of common loons across Minnesota. The Loon Specialist said the loon activities currently practiced on Clearwater Lake are satisfactory.
Crow Wing Country coordinates Aquatic Invasive Species monitoring program at boat launches. The County allocated 297 hours over the season for Clearwater and the Board authorized an additional 144 hours for a total of 441 hours of monitoring. Season-end report for Clearwater shows 277 hours of
monitoring or 52% of requested monitoring. County average was 77% so need to connect with County to understand reasons.
Charlie reported the MN DNR has $400,000 in grant dollars available for Lake Associations to use for controlling EWM. Charlie will coordinate grant application for Clearwater Lake. Board discussed lake management priorities for 2024 including an aquatic vegetation survey and water quality testing. Charlie will seek input from lake consultant James Johnson as previous survey aquatic vegetation survey company not staffed this season to conduct survey.
Board discussed enhancing Lake Homeowner support of the Camp. Two initiatives were discussed.
- Establishing two annual Camp Project Dates for lake volunteers to work on projects for the camp. Gary volunteered to plan and coordinate this initiative.
- Sponsoring annual scholarships for kids from needy communities to attend camp. Gary suggested a matching grant program. A motion was presented to fund up to three scholarships with matching grants and the Board approved unanimously (note, Board member Lance was not in attendance so did not vote as this would have had a conflict of interest for him). Gary will coordinate with the Camp.
Board meeting was adjourned.
December 5 Lake Homeowner Year-End Recap Zoom Call
Hosted 1-hour Zoom call with Lake Homeowners recapping Board’s action steps taken during 2023 and initial plans for 2024. Zoom call was recorded. Email sent to all Lake Homeowners recapping the call with a link to the website to access the presentation.