2024 Spring Meeting 5/24/24 9:00 AM
Treasurer Report
59 people attended
Camp Update
Clearwater Forest has a lot of camp offerings for the community and we encourage you to mark Saturday, July 13th on your calendars for their CLEARWATER FOREST FEST. This is a full day of activities you and your family can participate in and show your support for the Camp.
At the end of last year, the Board established a MATCHING GRANT SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM to help send kids to camp and provide them with life-long memories. We’re pleased to report that together we funded six scholarships (three from lake homeowners and three from the Board matched grant). Please consider donating to this opportunity and/or using any company-match program you may have.
Last year we set and reached our goal of having a $50,000 reserve, building from there to fund our annual operating expenses. Unfortunately, we had quite the explosion of invasive Eurasian Watermilfoil, so we went below our reserve to cover treatment expenses.
Current Lake Homeowner Participation supporting the Board’s efforts is about 40% and we’re hoping more of you can contribute this year. Our annual dues are $50 and we have an environmental expense of $300. If all Lake Homeowners were to provide at least $350 annually, that would help us meet our average annual operating expenses and contribute to the reserve. Here’s a link to the dues payment webpage.
Boat Parade
Saturday, July 6th – 1 p.m. start at Loon Point - we look forward to seeing all of the creative and patriotic designs!
Nokassippi Management
Historically, we’ve relied on lake homeowners to inspect and clear any obstructions from the dam at the public launch down to the culvert under CR8. We were successful in finding a contractor to handle this for us and we will assess the impact of this service to determine if we continue this service next year.
Water Testing
Our Lake Health Calendar has us conducting water testing one time per summer every five years or more frequently if needed. This year we’re going to submit monthly water samples to A.W. Research Labs in Brainerd. This data will then be available to all of you as well as reported to the MPCA for their use with updating their new Watershed Health Assessment Framework report. Link: https://arcgis.dnr.state.mn.us/ewr/whaflakes/lakedetails/18003800/topic/summary.
Aquatic Plant Survey
Our Lake Health Calendar has this activity scheduled every three years (2024), but the contractor we’ve used and others that conduct this work were booked full so we’re moving this activity to 2025.
As mentioned above, we had a lot of Eurasion watermillfoil emerge last year. We conducted two separate applications of herbicide, in addition to a round of hand pulling, the latter of which was not as effective as it had been in the past. We will be closely monitoring this year and have a survey scheduled for late summer and will also continue with the watercraft inspections at the public access.
Local Happenings
We’ve provided a list of a variety of local activities you may want to consider for you and your family.
Loon Report
You’ll find details and comments on the loon population for Clearwater Lake. The State of MN also recently issued their 2023 Annual Report for the Loon Monitoring Program and we’ve attached that report for your reference.
59 people attended
Camp Update
Clearwater Forest has a lot of camp offerings for the community and we encourage you to mark Saturday, July 13th on your calendars for their CLEARWATER FOREST FEST. This is a full day of activities you and your family can participate in and show your support for the Camp.
At the end of last year, the Board established a MATCHING GRANT SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM to help send kids to camp and provide them with life-long memories. We’re pleased to report that together we funded six scholarships (three from lake homeowners and three from the Board matched grant). Please consider donating to this opportunity and/or using any company-match program you may have.
Last year we set and reached our goal of having a $50,000 reserve, building from there to fund our annual operating expenses. Unfortunately, we had quite the explosion of invasive Eurasian Watermilfoil, so we went below our reserve to cover treatment expenses.
Current Lake Homeowner Participation supporting the Board’s efforts is about 40% and we’re hoping more of you can contribute this year. Our annual dues are $50 and we have an environmental expense of $300. If all Lake Homeowners were to provide at least $350 annually, that would help us meet our average annual operating expenses and contribute to the reserve. Here’s a link to the dues payment webpage.
Boat Parade
Saturday, July 6th – 1 p.m. start at Loon Point - we look forward to seeing all of the creative and patriotic designs!
Nokassippi Management
Historically, we’ve relied on lake homeowners to inspect and clear any obstructions from the dam at the public launch down to the culvert under CR8. We were successful in finding a contractor to handle this for us and we will assess the impact of this service to determine if we continue this service next year.
Water Testing
Our Lake Health Calendar has us conducting water testing one time per summer every five years or more frequently if needed. This year we’re going to submit monthly water samples to A.W. Research Labs in Brainerd. This data will then be available to all of you as well as reported to the MPCA for their use with updating their new Watershed Health Assessment Framework report. Link: https://arcgis.dnr.state.mn.us/ewr/whaflakes/lakedetails/18003800/topic/summary.
Aquatic Plant Survey
Our Lake Health Calendar has this activity scheduled every three years (2024), but the contractor we’ve used and others that conduct this work were booked full so we’re moving this activity to 2025.
As mentioned above, we had a lot of Eurasion watermillfoil emerge last year. We conducted two separate applications of herbicide, in addition to a round of hand pulling, the latter of which was not as effective as it had been in the past. We will be closely monitoring this year and have a survey scheduled for late summer and will also continue with the watercraft inspections at the public access.
Local Happenings
We’ve provided a list of a variety of local activities you may want to consider for you and your family.
Loon Report
You’ll find details and comments on the loon population for Clearwater Lake. The State of MN also recently issued their 2023 Annual Report for the Loon Monitoring Program and we’ve attached that report for your reference.
Reference Links
- Lake Health Calendar - Clearwater Lake Conservancy Lake Management Plan
- Clearwater Lake is rated a "B" meeting all it's goals- Watershed Health Assessment - Clearwater Lake.
- Clearwater Lake and Mercury - Mercury warning and Fish Eating Guidelines
- Clearwater Lake Clarity - MN Pollution Control Water Clarity Select Clarity Tab for chart.