Our Current Board
Our By-Laws call for an Association Board between 5 - 9 Association members. They are elected at our annual meeting in June by the general membership. We strive to represent the range of lake shore owners, with seasonal and full time residents, Park Estate, family compound and individual owners.
A board member is elected for a two year term. The board elects it's own officers after the general election. They receive no monetary compensation. They donate their time, knowledge, and backbone to keep Clearwater Lake the beautiful place it is.
Our desire is to have a balanced board represented all aspects of Clearwater Lake; Full time and Seasonal residents, Clearwater Forest Camp, Park Estates, Fisherman and Water sports enthusiasts. If you feel like your goals for the lake are not being addressed, consider joining the board!
If you are interested in joining the board or being on a committee, use Contact Us to find out more information.