2023 Fall Meeting 12/5/23 7:00 PM - Zoom
Video of the Meeting
Passcode 9+E1yo8#
Clearwater Forest Camp & Retreat Center
The Clearwater Lake Conservancy is encouraging our members to support Clearwater Forest Camp. The camp is a wonderful steward of 1/3 of Clearwater Lakes shoreline and helps people of all ages experience the joys of life on Clearwater Lake. We are have set 2 goals for our lake this year. A Scholarship fund matching donation challenge this December and a Volunteer Time Donation next summer.
Donations - Scholarship Challenge
Please consider a donation to their Scholarship fund. Your donation will allow the Camp to aide campers that might not be able have this wonderful experience. It qualifies for a tax deduction and helps the Camp. Click on the link below to join our matching campaign now through December 30, 2023. x
In the comment section include the following: Clearwater Lake Matching Scholarship Fund
Donations - Volunteer Challenge
Several years ago, we had a volunteer afternoon at the camp to help clear storm damage. The board would also like to make this an annual donation of time by organizing several annual volunteer opportunities at the Camp. Join your friends and neighbors and we'll find a task at the camp that needs to get done!
Save time for the following; Exact dates, times and projects will be announced closer to the date.
Save time for the following; Exact dates, times and projects will be announced closer to the date.
Treasurer Report
Lake Management
Lake Management Plan 2023 goals and results:
AIS Management
Other Lake Management notes:
- Along with our annual lake health events, The Lake Health Calendar calls for Water Quality testing and Aquatic Vegetation testing in 2024.
- DNR lake water level tracking has not been consistent since 1980. Clearwater Lake volunteers have starting measuring the lake water level and reporting it to the DNR.
- Secchi disk reading; that measure water clarity, show that Clearwater Lake has a stable clarity and is 2.9 feet higher then the surrounding watershed median.
- 227 hours of Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Watercraft Inspections were done our boat landing this season. More then 500 watercraft were inspected.
- Will apply for $3500 grant for Eurasian water milfoil.
- Are planning a Rusty Crayfish study in the summer of 2024 - Think about volunteering.
- Encourage homeowner to protect our waters and shorelines. - What can I do?